Papa Wirtz era
But who knows, the GMAT gets very specific about things that don necessarily matter irl so yeah, it not really something to worry about imo.Anyhoo, how your series with BOS going so far? I know you down 2 1 but I haven had a chance to see anything other than final scores so I pretty much know nothing.tabascoraindrops 29 points submitted 9 days agoI could be wrong here, but assuming he can play anymore I think it way more likely they ask him to remain on LTIR for the duration of his contract than "officially" retire. If he officially retires, I pretty sure the Hawks are stuck with $4.275m in dead cap every season through 2020 2021 per the recapture penalty. That basically a top six forward that they cannot sign for each of those years it a huge handicap.It bullshit because Hossa contract was legal at the time it was signed and the penalty is being applied retroactively in this case, but I would assume they will at least try to convince him to go along for the last three years ...